A very warm welcome to the Russam family… Tracey Harrison

We are delighted to announce that Tracey Harrison has joined the Russam team as an Associate Director. Tracey brings so much experience to us and will help me to develop our international business / WIL Group via our Indian partner – Seetha – Tracey has already taken time out of her holiday in Barbados to meet the Prime Minister’s top team – they are looking for interims to help with restructuring their state-owned ports and utility companies! Ian and Jason have known Tracey via the EY Step-on-Board programme for some time. 

Tracey is an internationally experienced leader who thrives on supporting organisations to transform and innovate. She has experience working as a board advisor to SME organisations and a not-for-profit social mobility charity – Blueprint for All. Before founding HMM, Tracey was the Chief Innovation Officer for EY’s Advisory practice and a Government and Public Sector partner. Tracey also leads the delivery of Accenture’s UKI Technology Growth Platform as the Managing Director. 

Dedicating her time to her passion for championing and driving change and is active in the areas of social mobility, education, and the arts. An experienced trustee on several boards, including The Royal Anniversary Trust, UCAS Media, the Barbican Centre Trust, the Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration, and the Unite Foundation. 

 Experienced in working globally in client-facing roles have included service design and integration of services following Acquisitions and Mergers, leading major scale geographic expansions or simplification programmes, and developing integrated services cross-border. She spent three years in Asia, where I scaled up and managed a distributed team of 2,500 FTEs offshore in the Philippines, China, and India, supporting onshore teams across the globe.

Tracey also has a great deal of experience and senior contacts across technology, NfP and the public sector. And Tracey will be a fantastic cultural fit with our team.

Contact us

Call us on 07930 356305 or email HQ@russam.co.uk

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