International Marketing Strategy Cultivates a World-Class Brand, Built to Scale

Verisure, the European market leader in monitored ‘smart alarms’, was operating in 14 countries across Europe and South America, but was in need of a global brand strategy to accelerate its trajectory of innovation and growth. In order to position Verisure as a consumer brand, Kimberly Kriss was brought on board to develop and implement a global brand strategy that would drive international expansion, innovation and delight customers worldwide.

The Situation

Verisure had an entrepreniurial spirit that had allowed it to expand into 14 different markets and given it a customer retention rate of over 90%, but in doing so had lost its sense of a singular identity:

  • Messaging and advertising had not been consistent, which meant higher costs than necessary and low market penetration
  • Due to the entreprenurial culture withinVerisure, communication across territories was suboptimal which had led to reduced organisational capability.

The Solution

Kimberly defined a roadmap in partnership with other aspects of the organisation, including R&D, operations, and others, to support a clear and effective USP:

  • Working with a London-based advertising agency, multiple campaigns were created based on the brand strategy and then rolled out in a way that allowed for small differences between markets to give each its own unique point of view while remaining consistent
  • Integrating the global marketing team, increasing communication and enabling learnings to be shared across territories
  • Hiring hackers and ex-burglars led to a greater understanding of the threats and allowed for a more powerful product and the story behind it.


Kimberly’s work led to Verisure becoming one, consistent global brand across its 14 markets, resulting in:

  • Consistent online and offline advertising across markets leading to a 25-30% increase in lead generation
  • Media buying efficiencies created at a cost saving of over €1.5M
  • Development of a crisis comms plan and messaging, an e-reputation strategy, and comms guidance and support for local markets around key product launches, driving penetration +22%
  • The creation of a leading platform for innovation and brand strategy derived from a deep understanding of customers, clearly segmented with an ownable and understandable focus, enabling a significant growth opportunity over the next few years

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