St Patrick’s Day – Your weekly roundup

On Saturday it won’t just be the Irish, in Ireland and around the world, who are celebrating St Patrick’s Day.

At a distance of 11,290 miles from Dublin, Auckland, New Zealand, will hold the first St Patrick’s Day party as the sun rises there before nearly anywhere else. In Singapore, the Singapore River will be awash in green dye as a two-day festival is kicked off, the largest celebration in Southeast Asia.

But the day is also surrounded in many myths and preconceptions too. Did you know, for example, that before green, the colour most associated with St Patrick was blue?

Here are some other common misconceptions about St Patrick’s Day:

The real reason why there aren’t any snakes in Ireland

He may not have brought Christianity to Ireland either

St Patrick wasn’t even Irish– he may have been a Roman born in the UK who was kidnapped by Irish marauders

Originally the colour of St Patrick’s Day was blue

So a very happy St Patrick’s Day to everyone.

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