Russam Frontline 4: 8 advantages of Interim Management

During the 10th HR Roundtable, Jason highlighted the main 8 main advantages of interim management.

  1. International coverage and deployment – “Where you can’t go … We can” . . . We can deploy interims into places that our clients can’t get to via our local partner firms. Interestingly nearly 90% of our talent pools speak more than one language, and 48% speak three or more languages!
  2. Experience and Skills – Interim managers offer instant experience and capability, almost always one level above the job requirements. They know what best practice looks like and may even have had a recent assignment at a competitive organisation. A recent case study conducted by UK consultancy firm Russam showed 65% of cases. Interims bring unique skills that are completely absent in the organisation they are going into.
  3. Availability – Interim managers are often available immediately, whereas typically, it could take a minimum of four months to hire a permanent employee serving a notice period.
  4. Immediate Results – Unlike a permanent employee who is typically given time to settle in, the interim manager will start delivering results immediately, identifying quick wins and building relationships rapidly. They “hit the ground running” with a fresh perspective and no more than a five-day honeymoon period.
  5. Value for Money – In many cases, the interim will cost half or even a third of the cost of a partner-level management consultant. In many cases – circa 30% of the talent on our books has a Big 4 consulting background, and all will come with deep industry experience.
  6. Objectivity – Interim managers are objective and won’t be side-tracked into office politics. They are not seeking an extended career with the organisation, so they say what is required rather than what the organisation wants to hear.
  7. Change and Crisis management – Adept at handling crises and special situations, including divestments, major restructuring, transformation and supply chain issues, interims step in knowing how to mitigate the impact of a crisis effectively and efficiently, or even turning it into an opportunity for the company.
  8. Heart – Interims are “bolted-in” and not “bolted-on”; they are part of the organisation and truly care every day of the assignment about achieving results. Internal colleagues quickly forget that they are an outsider.

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