WIL Group Annual Conference

We held the Annual Conference of the WIL Group – Worldwide Interim Leadership on the 5th to 7th, an international group of firms specializing in “interim management” which Russam is a founding member. The theme was “Growing in the age of Uncertainty”, and we were hosted by Italian partner Domenico Costa from TIM Management next door to Villa Reale di Monza.

The WIL Group partners analyzed and shared their vision and strategies to apply in the current context of uncertainty. Issues such as the integration of geopolitics in decision-making, the trust and implementation of new technologies, the construction of resilience in the supply chain, the reinforcement of cybersecurity, the investment in employment or the acceleration of climate action within ESG.

We are thrilled to welcome our new members Inwentu from Poland and Belgium’s ADM Financial Casting. Overall, it was a great couple of days that further strengthened our relationship with our international partners. A lot of good food and company and we are looking forward to our next conference in Stockholm.

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Call us on 07930 356305 or email HQ@russam.co.uk

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